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Department of Housing and the full implementation of green building, "Yijiangdaibu" incentives


Vice minister of housing construction in March 28 to 30 organized by the Seventh International Green Building and Energy Conservation Conference and Expo of new technologies and products integrated forum that "in the future to fully implement green building 'Yijiangdaibu' economic incentives, specifically from the special subsidies, halve the property tax levy, land auction and pre-conditions, the volume rate of return of 5 percent, home loans interest rate concessions and other aspects, such as special subsidies, the three-star (issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban identifies the highest green building certification - Editor's Note), for example, Yijiangdaibu amount ≥ 1 / 3 will increase costs, given 75 yuan per square subsidies. "
Qiu also revealed that China will fully implement all the decoration and assembly of housing; for new green building more than 30% of small towns called "green town" and a one-time subsidy given to 10 million yuan -2000 ten thousand yuan.
Qiu doing entitled "Draft Action Plan for China green building" theme of the report, said that the development of green building resources to solve our energy problems is an important strategy. Qiu, the "five-second" new green building projects during the year 100, the energy-saving 850 million kwh, 766,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions, saving 030 million tons of water resources, recyclable materials, 110 million tons. Statistics show that China's urbanization rate in 1978 from 17.9% to 47.5% last year. Human Resources and Social Security is expected next several years town resident population of more than a turning point in the rural population by 2015, China's urbanization rate will exceed 51%. Each 1% increase in urbanization, the city will add 1.7 billion cubic meters of water, add 60 million tons of standard coal consumption, 1004 square kilometers of land for new construction, new steel, cement, brick and other building materials total weight of 6 million tons. He also introduced the next few years, large-scale construction of affordable housing will become a great development opportunity for green building.
    Qiu said China's 40 billion square meters of existing buildings in the lift per capita use of world average is only 1 / 2, the developed countries 1 / 10; northern building heating energy consumption per unit area of ​​similar climatic conditions than in developed countries 2 -3 times, we can see, both the building into a green building has great potential.
"The current green building should speed up the development of key technologies and policies to address this enormous revolution in the construction industry opportunities and challenges." Qiu believes that the key to accelerate green building technology research and development of specific initiatives include: the breakdown of different types of preparation of climate zones and building corresponding green building standards; the development of green building design, testing software; set up more than 20 national engineering technology centers, and green building industrial base, build capacity, learning, research, government, corporate alliances and promote the industrialization of platform; actively promote green building single technological innovation; green building community to accelerate the overall design and technical innovation; development and carbon emissions and promote green building "four" performance testing and evaluation systems. Green building standards to improve the specification, perfect green building evaluation system, to accelerate green building system. Improve the standards of green building technology, developed for different climatic regions of the application of green building specifications, equipment, product suitability evaluation guidelines. In the development and application of green building technology based on the individual, focusing on promoting China's national conditions, focusing on regional climate characteristics of green building technology integration.



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